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Five years..

It seemed like just yesterday I was 23 years old and had no where to go. I was fired from a place I knew and loved, I was rejected from a place of business (that is now shut down I might add) and I had people who put all their trust in my hands for their health and fitness.

I knew I had to make a jump.. and that is when Full Force Fitness started.  I didn’t have much, didn’t know how this was going to go, but I knew that it was sink or swim, and I was going to swim.

Fast Forward and here we are. 5 years later, having serviced almost 100o people in person and online.

I have had so many challenges along the way. Six months into business the world shut down and so did my business. I cooked food for people, did online workouts, park workouts, whatever I could to make it work.

I broke my ankle and came to work every day for 3 months in a wheel chair.

I got diagnosed with a tumor, mold toxicity, and PTSD + Autism in 2024. And am battling it every day.

Through the countless days, sleepless nights, everything, I wouldn’t change it at all.

Things I have learned:

Never trust anyone. Keep your head held high and low at the same time.

Trust your gut.

Stand tall in your boundaries, beliefs and taking care of yourself.

Never give up. If you want it, it will work.

I have been in the game for 10 years now, and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

10 years, 4 years of best of clark county, and endless laughs, I am excited to see what year five brings.

I couldn’t do it without all the love and support.

Cheers to another 5 years!